A Guide to Confession
Been away from the confessional for a while? This handy guide, tailored to adults, will help you make a good confession. By the way, it can be printed out and shared with your friends!
A Scriptural Guide to Confession
A convenient guide to Confession, with an explanation of mortal sin as well as a brief examination of conscience with the Ten Commandments.
Spiritual Reading
A Guide to Spiritual Reading
Build your own personal plan of daily spiritual reading from the book lists for beginners, intermediates, and advanced.
Books that Change Lives
Recommended books that will change your life, grouped in 16 topics for easy reference. Open your heart as you open this page.
Essential Catholic Reading
Do you want to learn more about philosophy, history, the Church Fathers, theology, and apologetics? Then read these books!
Prayer: The Stairway to Heaven
An explanation of the purposes of prayer, the main qualities, and the power of prayer.
God, Creator of Heaven and Earth
Father of Jesus and Our Father. This is a beautiful prayer giving praise to God the Father.
Litany of Humility
O Jesus! Meek and humble of heart, hear me! Pray this litany every day to help avoid the sin of pride.
Prayer for Priests
Raise up your mind and heart to God and say this prayer for our Catholic priests.
A collection of little prayers for little moments in our lives, suggestions for the brief moments during our day that can be turned into meaningful prayer.
Recommended Reading on Prayer
Do you want to improve your prayer life? This list contains some of the finest books on prayer and meditation in print today.
Additional Catholic Teachings/Resources
Are You Too Busy for Christ?
Keep the Christians Busy
Catholic Resource Guide
You want to know who has the answer? Check this out!
Definition of Some Spiritual Practices
Clear, simple, and easy to understand definitions of a number of spiritual practices from "The Pocket Catholic Dictionary" by Rev. John A. Hardon, S.J.
Everything You Wanted to Know About Lent
A clear explanation of the history, meaning, and practices of Lent. If you really want to prepare for Easter, you have to read this.
How We Worship
A thought provoking article by Peter Kreeft who describes how adoration of the Blessed Sacrament can help us grow in the spiritual life.
Why Pray the Rosary? The 15 Promises of Mary
The promises of our Blessed Mother to Christians who recite the rosary, given to St. Dominic and Blessed Alan.
Why Pray the Rosary Every Day?
Inspirational quotes from saints and popes on the value of praying the rosary every day.
Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Here are the instructions for priests or deacons for the blessing and investiture of the Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. It can be printed from one of the handy formats and used in enrolling in the Brown Scapular.
Spiritual Game Plan
The Bread of Angels
Why is the Holy Eucharist called the "Bread of Angels" and the "Bread of Life"? Read this to find the Biblical answers.
The Catholic Church's Teaching on the Eucharist
Why do Catholics believe that the bread and wine on the altar truly becomes the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ? Why are we encouraged to receive Communion frequently? What does the Bible say about the Eucharist? This one is great!
The First Saturdays of Reparation
In Fatima in 1917, Our Lady first asked Lucia for the Communion of reparation on the first Saturdays; why did she ask for 5 Saturdays, and why did she feel this was so important?
The Infinite Value of the Holy Mass
Ten reasons why the Mass is the highest form of prayer. This says it all. If ever you need reasons to go to Mass, read this.
The Miracle Staircase of Santa Fe, New Mexico
This is a wonderful story... and it's true!
The Mystical Body of Christ
An article by Father Peffley while he was still a student which follows the meaning of "Mystical Body" through the ages.
The Seventeen Evidences of a Lack of Humility
From the Writings of Blessed Josemaria Escriva, if this does not convict you... you're either hardened or perfect.
The Two Josephs
How does the Old Testament prefigure the New? Here is a great example. This article compares the Old Testament Joseph with Saint Joseph, the head of the Holy Family.
When You Miss One Holy Communion
Consider all the blessings that you lose every time you pass up Holy Communion.