Marriage & Family
A Scriptural Guide to Marriage
The scriptural basis to the purpose of marriage, the blessing of children, contraception as a sin, indissolubility, obligations, and more.
A Way to Understand Why Contraception is Wrong
A very good article by Rev. Eric James Albertson clearly written about the evils of contraception.
Actions for a Better Christian Marriage
Based on the "C"s of marriage, this collection is hard hitting and thought provoking.
Beatitudes of Married Couples
A beautiful collection showing how married couples are blessed.
Bible Verses
Bible verses on how to handle a wide variety of family related issues... and personal issues as well.
Birth Control
It Almost Cost Us Our Marriage. This personal of witness of one couple shows the subtle destruction that can take place in a marriage due to the use of contraceptives.
Children and the Bible
A wonderful short article on why parents should read to their children from the Bible.
Don't Quit
A very inspirational short poem.
Eulogy for a Baby Who Dies After Baptism
A short eulogy that is appropriate and very touching.
"Humanae Vitae": A Prophetic Document?
This article by Janet E. Smith makes a sometimes difficult document, Humanae Vitae, clear and easy to understand.
Letter from a Parish Priest
A parish priest writes a letter to a cohabitating, non-married couple. It is written from the heart and is aimed at bringing lost sheep back into the fold.
Marriage Messages
Two short letters from people who stopped living with their non-married partners in order to get married... and find true love.
The Indissolubility of Marriage: What does the Bible Say?
The scriptural basis for staying married.
The Marriage Triangle
A thought provoking image... take a look!
The Secret to Matrimony
This article by Rev. Eric James Albertson gives sound advise for all those who are married or who are thinking about getting married.
Thy Children as Olive Plants
Thy Children as Olive Plants
Who Will Ever Love Us As A Child Loves Us?
Christian Marriage
Why is Contraception a Sin?
This is a clear and easily understood article on the evils of contraception.