A Significant Gap?
Jesus Christ established His Church 15 centuries before Martin Luther founded the Lutheran church in 1517. Which Church existed during this significant gap?
Book of the Month
Recommendations by Father Peffley on what books to read each month over a three year cycle.
Books That Change Lives
Here are a few life-changing books.
Catholic Bible Answers
The Bible is full of answers to common questions about the Catholic Religion.
Catholic Resource Guide
This is a sampling of good Catholic books, magazines, publishers, and other organizations.
How Do I Know God Exists?
St. Thomas Aquinas provided five proofs of God's existence.
How Old Is Your Church?
Here are a few selected denominations and when they were founded. Compare it with the Catholic Church.
Life's Answers
This tract contains little questions with big answers about why am I here, who is God, why do I need God, and where am I going when I die?
New Testament History
The history of the Catholic Church did not stop with the conclusion of the New Testament, but continues, rich in Tradition to this day.
Origins and Divisions of Protestantism
Origins and Divisions of Protestantism as shown in Life magazine.
Timeline of Christianity
Nearly 2,000 years ago, Jesus Christ established His visible Church on earth. See how the Catholic Church compares to other churches on the Timeline of Christianity.
The Making of the New Testament
The Making of the New Testament. The Catholic Church - Mother of the Bible.
The Micro Catechism
Here's a short summary of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
The Mystical Body of Christ
An article by Father Peffley while he was still a student which follows the meaning of "Mystical Body" through the ages.
The Test
A test to determine if your Church is the one founded by Christ.
The Title and Deed of the Catholic Church
The title and deed of the Catholic Church lies in the continuous line of popes from St. Peter to Pope John Paul II.
Which Church is Biblical?
See a comparison between the Bible, the Roman Catholic Church, and Protestant churches on a number of different topics.
Why Celibacy?
Our Lord was a priest (Heb. 4:14); He was also celibate and called others to do the same.
Why Pray the Rosary?
This is a very good article that starts with "What is Prayer" and takes you all the way to the rosary, using sound reason backed by scripture.